Good News Neighbors Toolkit

A simple plan for every size church to reach the community

The Good News Neighbors resource begins with a basic idea: Use neighbor gift bags to create a culture of inviting people to church. This toolkit has everything you need to get started. Your church exists not only in the community but also for the community. This outreach program can be the way you train your church to be good news neighbors.


Spiritual Growth and Assimilation package. Reach them. Keep them. Help them grow.

The Complete Membership Class Toolkit

Looking for a resource to revamp your membership class? The Complete Membership Kit includes all the resources you need to facilitate a successful membership class.

The Potential and Power of Prayer

Prayer is the primary way that we speak to God. Yet, many church members have a weak prayer life. Imagine if your church was filled with powerful prayer! This course will teach church members how to get more power from their prayer.

Good News Neighbors Toolkit

A simple plan for every size church to reach the community

Do your church members invite their friends and neighbors to church?

The problem is simple and far too prevalent. Most churchgoers do not invite their friends to church.

Do your church members know…..

❌ Who are their neighbors?
❌ How to invite their neighbors to church?
❌ Hospitality is expected of all believers?
❌ How to go out into the community to invite neighbors?
❌ What to expect after inviting their neighbor?
❌ How to follow up after inviting their neighbor?

The church and its leaders have good news to share with their neighbors

Your church exists not only in the community but for the community.

But most churchgoers do not invite their friends to church and do not know how to take the first step.

Start a culture of invitation where a large portion of your church is inviting others to join them in worship, groups, and ministry.

  • Prepare your church to know and invite their neighbors
  • Motivate your church members to invite others to an event
  • Easy to follow checklist for preparing for the Good News Neighbors gift bags emphasis
  • Train your church on how to use neighbor gift bags
  • Strategy to promote emphasis on outreach
  • Steps to follow to maintain momentum and keep moving forward

This course is for you and your members!

  • Video training for your leaders and church members.

  • This tool is designed for pastors to emphasize regularly or sporadically.

  • Use it as the first step to encourage members to invite neighbors.

  • Help create a culture of invitation.

Includes all of the following:

Video training for pastor/leader and church members

Templates for invite cards and guest card for kids, students, and church

Checklist for neighbor gift bags on how to organize and administrate

Checklist on ways to train your members

Instructional video for guest tracker and Google form

Guest tracker template

Recommended Book for You and Your Members

One copy included free with the course

There’s hope for your church. Respected church expert Sam Rainer envisions an exciting new wave of revitalized neighborhood churches that are growing and thriving. Sam Rainer answers the most common questions about this surprising new phenomenon:

  • What are the marks of a healthy neighborhood church?

  • What are the most common myths about the neighborhood church?

  • What are the obstacles to church growth?

  • What are the best strategies to reach your neighbors?

The neighborhood church is primed for a comeback. The potential is huge. God wants to do incredible things. Are you ready?

Order The Surprising Return of the Neighborhood Church Here




This course belongs to a series of training resources designed for both the church leader and church members. It provides consistent, reproducible training for ministry teams that can be completed at any time.

It’s Easy to Start Today

Get the course

The church leader purchases just one copy of this course which includes the book, The Surprising Return of the Neighborhood Church.

Unlimited sharing

The church leader may download the participant training videos and tools to share with ministry teams forever.

Continual training

Offer training for one, two, or twenty. Equip your ministry teams at any time without the need to wait or plan ahead!

I’m so excited to roll out the Good News Neighbors resource to my entire church family. As a pastor, I love resources that are both biblical and practical. This resource wonderfully accomplishes both! I can’t wait to provide this simple tool that will help my church members love their neighbors in the name of Jesus and invite them to be a part of our church family.


The Good News Neighbors Toolkit Will Help
You and Your Church Members…

Have an excitement and passion to invite their neighbors
Become committed to reaching their neighbors
Feel equipped and encouraged to take the first step in inviting
Effectively reach their neighbors

Do you want all of these benefits for your church?

Create a culture of invitation where a large portion of your church is inviting others to join them in worship, groups, and ministry. Gain confident members who invite their friends to church.

Purchase Now

Your Course Teacher

Sam Rainer 

As President of Church Answers, Sam Rainer wears many hats. From podcast co-host to full-time pastor at West Bradenton Baptist Church, Sam’s heart for ministry and revitalization is evident in all he does.

  • The Good News Neighbors Toolkit - Course Introduction
    • Course Introduction
      10 min
    • Meet the Instructor
      10 min
    • Course Book: The Surprising Return of the Neighborhood Church
      10 min
  • Leader Sessions: Equipping Your Church to Be Good News Neighbors
    • Introduction Video: The Simple Plan to Train Your Church
      3 min
    • Leader Session 1: How Healthy Churches Interact with Neighbors
      9 min
    • Leader Session 2: Getting Your Church Ready to Reach the Neighbors
      8 min
    • Leader Session 3: The Simple Plan Explained - Neighbor Gift Bags
      13 min
    • Leader Session 4: Details on How to Train Your Church to Use Neighbor Gift Bags
      9 min
    • Leader Session 5: Tips to Promote the Nieghbor Gift Bag Outreach Emphasis
      9 min
    • Leader Session 6: How to Follow-up and Keep the Momentum Going
      10 min
  • Participant Sessions: How You Can Become a Good News Neighbor
    • Introduction to Participant Sessions
      2 min
    • Participant Session 1: Your Address is Your Assignment
      6 min
    • Participant Session 2: Committing to Reach Your Neighbors
      7 min
    • Participant Session 3: How to Use the Neighbor Gift Bags
      9 min
    • Participant Session 4: What to Expect When Inviting Your Neighbors to Church
      8 min
    • Participant Session 5: How to Follow-up After You Have Made an Invitation
      5 min
    • Participant Session 6: There is Always Room in God's Kingdom for One More
      8 min
  • The Good News Neighbors Toolkit Additional Resources
    • The Good News Neighbors Toolkit
      3 min

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We offer a 30-day, no-questions-asked refund policy. If for any reason you’re not satisfied with your purchase or the quality of the materials in Good News Neighbors Toolkit, you have 30 days to get a full refund.

More Questions?

Contact us at 615-669-8201 or email [email protected] for assistance.