The Potential and Power of Prayer

Start equipping your church to be a prayerful church today

Prayer is the primary way that we speak to God. Yet, many church members have a weak prayer life. Imagine if your church was filled with powerful prayer! This course will teach church members how to get more power from their prayer.


Biblical Knowledge package to further enhance the spiritual growth of your church members.

Teaching the Old Testament in Your Church

Your church body needs to know the full message and scope of the Word of God. Learn to teach the Old Testament in your church in a memorable and impactful way to your people.

A Journey through the New Testament

A Journey through the New Testament takes your church on an enjoyable and enlightening walk through the teaching of the Gospels, Acts, the New Testament letters, and the Book of Revelation. Equip your people today to know and love God’s Word.

The Potential and Power of Prayer

Start equipping your church to be a prayerful church today

How is your church’s prayer life?

Just because you pray from the pulpit does not mean all of your members fully understand prayer. Many Christians indeed struggle with prayer, but it does not need to be this way!

Your church may…

❌ Be a church without prayer
❌ Have members who feel they are unable to pray
❌ Experience ignorance about the importance of prayer

Prayer is the primary way that we speak to God.

Yet, many church members have a weak prayer life. Imagine if your church was filled with powerful prayer!

The Potential and Power of Prayer will equip your church to

  • Understand how we speak to God through prayer
  • Realize the relationship between spiritual warfare and prayer
  • Learn practical ways to develop a habit of prayer
  • See the importance of prayer in order to grow
  • Establish prayer as a priority
  • Depend on God for strength and guidance through prayer

This course is for you and your members!

  • 10-video lessons to equip you and your members with the power and potential of prayer

  • Designed so pastors can easily share the course with all church members

  • Can guide church leaders to establish the priority of prayer and a thriving prayer ministry in their churches

Includes all of the following:

Video training for the pastor and members

Course workbook

Recommended Book for You and Your Members

One copy included free with course

Why is it a struggle to pray? We know God chooses to move among Christians who humbly come to him in prayer; who depend on him for strength and guidance. Even so, too many of us are tempted to start our days prayerless and feeling alone. How can this be? We can’t afford to be so negligent, because whether we realize it or not we all face a high-stakes spiritual battle when we step out into our communities.

Order The Potential and Power of Prayer Here

This course belongs to a series of training resources designed for both the church leader and church members. It provides consistent, reproducible training for ministry teams that can be completed at any time.

It’s Easy to Start Today

Get the course

The church leader purchases just one copy of this course, including one book, The Potential and Power of Prayer.

Unlimited sharing

The church leader may share with church members and ministry teams forever.

Continual training

Offer training for one, two, or twenty. Equip your ministry teams at any time without the need to wait or plan ahead!

Our members loved the heavy emphasis on prayer and how this study is saturated with gospel truths. Your church and community will be greatly blessed by it.


The Potential and Power of Prayer
Will Help You and
Your Church Members…

✔ Understand how we speak to God through prayer
✔ Realize the relationship between spiritual warfare and prayer
✔ Learn practical ways to develop a habit of prayer

Do you want all of these benefits for your church?

Equip your members and leaders in prayer. Start on the path toward effective prayer today.

Purchase Now

Your Course Teacher

Chuck Lawless

Chuck Lawless currently serves as senior professor of evangelism and missions, Dean of Doctoral Studies, and Vice-President for Spiritual Formation and Ministry Centers at Southeastern Seminary. He served as a pastor for fourteen years and is the author or editor of several books, including The Potential and Power of Prayer, Disciple, Discipled Warriors, Mentoring, and Spiritual Warfare in the Storyline of Scripture. Dr. Lawless speaks extensively around the country and resides with his wife, Pam, in Wake Forest.

Money-Back Guarantee

We offer a 30-day, no-questions-asked refund policy. If, for any reason, you’re not satisfied with your purchase or the quality of the materials in this course, you have 30 days to get a full refund.

More Questions?

Contact us at 615-669-8201 or email [email protected] for assistance.