It’s no secret that many evangelicals struggle with doing evangelism. In fact, many will never share their faith with anybody. Because of Church Answers’ commitment to help churches recommit to evangelism, I’m offering this list of practical resources that may help you and your church re-invest in this task:
- The Soul Winner by Charles Spurgeon. This compilation of some of Spurgeon’s lectures and addresses is one of my favorite books on personal evangelism. The language may be a bit archaic, but it’s still funny, convicting, and inspiring – all at the same time.
- The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman. This book is probably more about discipleship than it is evangelism, but it’s a classic. Its author has illustrated its principles by his own life.
- Invitation to Evangelism by Timothy Beougher. This book reflects an evangelism professor’s study and his practice—and it does so in a way any believer can read, learn, and apply it. It’s also an evangelism toolbox for pastors.
- The Complete Evangelism Guidebook by Scott Dawson, ed. This work is another toolbox resource, including dozens of short chapters on how to evangelize particular groups of people (e.g., medical workers, agnostics, etc.).
- The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever. This concise work tackles the what, who, why, and how of evangelism.
- Becoming a Contagious Christian by Mark Mittelberg. The personal evangelism formula of “High Potency + Close Proximity + Clear Communication = Maximum Impact” makes this book worth reading.
- Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman. A good tool to help believers do evangelism by responding to questions with questions, combining theology, methodology, and apologetics – and ultimately pointing to Jesus.
- Conspiracy of Kindness by Steve Sjogren. For people who are afraid to do evangelism, perhaps this approach to “servant evangelism” will at least turn their focus outward and get them connected with others.
- Sharing the Gospel with Ease by Thom Rainer. Another simple, practical resource by Thom, this book promotes an evangelistic lifestyle approach intentionally undergirded by prayer.
- Tell the Truth by Will Metzger. Without ignoring the importance of theology, this book is filled with suggestions and practices for doing evangelism. You don’t have to agree with all of it to benefit from it.
- Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus by J. Mack Stiles. The subtitle explains why I recommend this book: it speaks primarily not about creating individual evangelists, but about building a culture of evangelism in a church.
- Sharing Jesus without Freaking Out (2nd ed) by Scott Hildreth and Steven McKinion. This revised version shows us how to do evangelism within the normal contexts of everyday relationships. Even fearful evangelists can do the task.
- Generational Disciplemaking by George Robinson. Written by a brother who has discipled others for years, this book fills a unique place in this list; that is, it focuses on discipling others so they, too, become reproducing evangelists and disciplemakers. It completes the circle of evangelistic believers who not only lead others to Christ, but who also lead them to bring others to Him.
- “Lord, I’m Caught in the Bubble” by Chuck Lawless. I wrote this brief e-book, soon to be published by Church Answers, to help believers get out of the Christian cocoon. We won’t do evangelism if we don’t really know any non-believers.
- Recapturing Evangelism by Matt Queen (available Jan 2023). I wrote of this book, “Matt Queen, one of the most passionate evangelists I know, recognizes that believers need a strong biblical and theological base if we expect them to tell the good news. Dr. Queen has provided this excellent resource to address that need.”
I know this list could be much longer. What other practical books do you recommend?
Posted on August 2, 2022
Dr. Chuck Lawless is a leading expert in spiritual consultation, discipleship and mentoring. As a former pastor, he understands the challenges ministry presents and works with Church Answers to provide advice and counsel for church leaders.
More from Chuck
Hi, Chuck — I’m honored to have my Becoming a Contagious Christian book as part of your list — but wanted to let you know I just released my completely reworked and new book and video training course, now called Contagious Faith (Zondervan — see This new material replaces the older one. Hope you’ll check it out!
Blessings, Mark Mittelberg
Great to hear, Mark. Thanks for letting us know.
Excellent list, my friend! I am also looking forward to the 2023 book on giving an evangelistic invitation by Dr. Matt Queen and Dr. O. S. Hawkins.
“How to talk about Jesus (without being that guy)” By Sam Chan. This is an easy book to read and aimed at the congregation member, being without all the in-depth theology and discussion on evangelism. The book is practical, culturally current and gets the reader’s mind in thinking about how they can go about doing evangelism in their situations, without making it awkward or insensitive for the non-believer. Some of the things that Sam talks about include: doing things like inviting your neighbors over for dinner, attending their events and invite to your church events, and bringing your believing friends together with your non-believing friends.
Thanks for the suggestion.