The pace of ministry can switch from comfortable to chaotic with one phone call.
The daily activities of a pastor are often fragmented. Church work often happens in short conversations and activities—10 minutes here, 15 minutes there. Quick, hopscotch exchanges are normative in the daily management of the church.
These irregular patterns occur because of the nature of shepherding. Managing a church means you have several different roles that are constantly changing.
Liaison. Pastors are the spokespeople and representatives for their churches in the community. They work to make new contacts, connect with other leaders, and communicate a positive message on behalf of the congregation.
Mediator. While pastors should not be expected to handle every conflict within the church, they often handle sudden crises.
Juggler. Pastors are expected to lead many teams comprising of laity and staff. Planning appropriately requires pastors to juggle several meetings and exchanges with different people.