The Hope Initiative

Reinvigorate yourself and your church for the task of evangelism

The Hope Initiative is for pastors and churches looking to reinvigorate their commitment to evangelism. Expand your outreach and connect with your community through this simple, reproducible 30-day program.


The Hope Initiative

Reinvigorate yourself and your church for the task of evangelism

Are you and your church up to the task of evangelism?

Churches are not evangelizing well and have lost sight of their primary purpose. While most pastors believe they should do outreach and evangelism, they feel their church will not want to participate.

Your church may be failing to…

❌ Evangelize regularly
❌ Uphold a growth strategy that involves the whole church
❌ Look like the neighborhood or city that it’s in
❌ Regularly go on prayer walks
❌ Reach the people new to your community
❌ Maintain a consistent outreach emphasis

The church and its leaders need hope, not guilt.

Churches aren’t evangelizing because Christians sense little urgency to reach the lost. Many churches struggle to maintain regular evangelism efforts because the task can feel like a stale obligation.

Your members need hope-filled inspiration, not guilt-ridden guidance!

The Hope Initiative Can Work for Your Church!

  • It includes a simple, reproducible strategy for reaching communities
  • Its strategy grounds the motivation for evangelism in the Word and prayer
  • It leads believers in something foundational to their faith: knowing God and reaching others
  • The pastor leads the initiative, setting the example for outreach and evangelism
  • It focuses on pastors recruiting, leading, and influencing small groups of members
  • Any church member can participate in this strategy—without significant training

This course is for you and your members!

  • 30-day outreach strategy that challenges church members to focus on God through the Word and prayer, followed by practical ways to reach a community

  • Designed so pastors can lead quarterly groups through the book, Pray & Go —thus changing the focus and atmosphere of the church in the process

  • It can be used as a “jumpstart” strategy (one 30-day implementation to ignite the church’s fire for evangelism) or an ongoing strategy

Includes all of the following:

Video training for the pastor and members

Pastor’s checklist

Great Commission sermon samples

Sample encouragement texts

Sample notes for outreach and encouragement

Participants receive automated encouragement and reminder emails

Access to Church Answers Leadership via dedicated email address

1 year of free leader access to Church Answers Central, our church leader forum

…and more useful tools and guides!

Recommended Book for You and Your Members

One copy included free with course

Imagine each member of your congregation devoted to prayer! Rainer shares a 30-day journey, offering an easy-to-use tool for church leaders, with daily focus topics to “pray and go” that aren’t cumbersome or time-consuming. Marvel at God’s great works that are prompted by the supplications of believers for each other and their community! 240 pages, hardcover from Tyndale.

Order Pray & Go Here

This course belongs to a series of training resources designed for both the church leader and church members. It provides consistent, reproducible training for ministry teams that can be completed at any time.

It’s Easy to Start Today

Get the course

The church leader purchases just one copy of this course which includes the book, Pray & Go.

Unlimited sharing

The church leader may download the member training video and tools to share with ministry teams forever.

Continual training

Offer training for one, two, or twenty. Equip your ministry teams at any time without the need to wait or plan ahead!

  • This whole experience has opened my eyes to the works of evangelism. We have more to do as Christians than just be a follower. We are supposed to help reach people in our own Jerusalem that we walk with through every day at work, school, or in life.

  • The Hope Initiative has provided me, as the pastor, and our church family, the opportunity to refocus on the command to be active participants in fulfilling the Great Commission. We have become more prayerful and intentional in reaching those around us and have already seen some significant spiritual fruit!

  • Our members loved the heavy emphasis on prayer and how this study is saturated with gospel truths. Your church and community will be greatly blessed by it.

  • This experience has put excitement in my heart to share the love of Christ with others and be a Great Commission Christian in the very place He has placed me.

  • The Hope Initiative is a practical, achievable, biblically-based way to begin to forge a Great Commission culture in your church.


The Hope Initiative Will Help
You and Your Church Members…

✔ Have a new passion and confidence for evangelism
✔ Grow in understanding of biblical basis for gospel ministry
✔ Effectively reach the community and the lost
✔ Be consistently trained with the same, repeatable process
✔ Feel equipped and encouraged

Do you want all of these benefits for your church?

Give your church and community the hope it deserves. Start on the path toward effective evangelism today.

Purchase Now

Your Course Teachers

Thom Rainer 

Thom S. Rainer is the founder and CEO of Church Answers. With nearly forty years of ministry experience, Thom has spent a lifetime committed to the growth and health of the local church and its leaders. He has been a pastor of four churches and interim pastor of ten churches, as well as a bestselling author, popular speaker, professor, and dean. He is a 1977 graduate of the University of Alabama and earned his MDiv and PhD degrees from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Rainer has written numerous books, including three that ranked as number one bestsellers: I Am a Church Member, Autopsy of a Deceased Church, and Simple Church. He and his wife live in Nashville.

Chuck Lawless

Chuck Lawless currently serves as senior professor of evangelism and missions, Dean of doctoral studies, and vice-president for Spiritual Formation and Ministry Centers at Southeastern Seminary. He served as a pastor for fourteen years and is the author or editor of several books, including The Potential and Power of Prayer, Disciple, Discipled Warriors, Mentoring, and Spiritual Warfare in the Storyline of Scripture. Dr. Lawless speaks extensively around the country and resides with his wife, Pam, in Wake Forest.

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More Questions?

Contact us at 615-669-8201 or email [email protected] for assistance.