By Thom S. Rainer
“It will be big, really big.”
My team at Church Answers has heard that line from me many times. Sometimes they hold their collective breaths. Sometimes they cringe. And sometimes they have big expectations.
This time we all have big expectations.
Later this week, will disappear. will become the one-stop site for all things practical church ministry. Let me elaborate.
We have little doubt this new site will be an incredible place for church leaders and members to find a wealth of information and resources related to practical church ministry. If you looked today, is simply our coaching site. But if you check out the site at the end of this week, it will be more – a whole lot more! will include FREE daily content by some incredible writers and thinkers. Sam Rainer, Chuck Lawless, and I will continue to post our articles there, but you will see a lot of new names as well.
We will have three free podcasts at this site: Rainer on Leadership, Revitalize and Replant, and EST. These three podcasts address topics related to leadership for practical church ministry.
We will have all of our training and certification at, as well as the great resources many of you are using for your church . . . with many more to come.
Of course, the Church Answers community will be there, including Church Answers Central, the largest ongoing gathering of ministry leaders in the world. We will also be expanding our coaching and consulting at
Whew. There will be more to come.
So, why am I saying goodbye to To begin, having two major sites is confusing and messy. We are combining the two and adding much more. If you happen to type “” in your browser later this week, you will be sent to
Further, my old platform ministry has grown well past me. While I am still leading the efforts and contributing each week, you will see new faces and hear new voices. This resource is not all about one person; it is about many voices speaking into the most pertinent and powerful issues in local church ministry.
I admit it is bittersweet to see my name and my brand become subsumed by another name. But it’s the right thing to do. It is the best thing to do for local churches. It is the best thing to do for the Kingdom.
The Mystery of the Major Ministry Partner
I am having trouble keeping this part of our future confidential, but I must . . . for now. On August 1, 2020, Church Answers will join forces with one of the best ministries in the world. I wish I could say more, but I can’t.
This new ministry partnership will allow us to provide resources, content, and ministry beyond anything I could have dreamed just a few months earlier. It is one of those ministry marriages that makes perfect sense.
For now, the ministry partner remains a mystery. But stay tuned. You will likely be blown away.
The Best Is Yet to Come
As we prepare for these changes, we are not forgetting those we serve. In Christ’s power, our mission is to serve local churches and her leaders and members. We will not lose that focus. To the contrary, that focus is sharper than ever. My team and I are honored to serve you.
Thank you, all of you, for being a faithful reader of our content, listener of our podcasts, user of our resources, or vital part of our Church Answers’ community. You are why we do what we do. And it is our prayer that these major changes will help us to serve you better than ever.
Stay tuned for the release of the new later this week.
The best is yet to come.
Of that, I have no doubt.
Posted on May 18, 2020
With nearly 40 years of ministry experience, Thom Rainer has spent a lifetime committed to the growth and health of local churches across North America.
More from Thom
Thank you Dr. Rainer for your wisdom, leadership, coordination. Your books were helpful as I did TIP with two churches in Ohio. I have appreciated your leadership at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Lifeway. God bless you and your family. DLL
Dr. Rainer, Thank you for all that CA and Rainer on Leadership have contributed to our ministry. Our church is much healthier today than it was three years ago when we first joined Church Answers. We also have a clearer vision for the future, thanks to your counsel and reduced price resources. It was also a blessing to be a part of the Revitalization Cohort. God has blessed our church in many ways and we are grateful to God for using you to help to strengthen us. I’m looking forward to greater progress with the future changes. BTW do we need to subscribe to Church Answers again?
Bro. Kim Williams