Episode 25: At The Table with Meagan Stedman on College Ministry, Doubts, and Their Passion for Evangelism

Episode #025
April 21, 2023

Meagan Stedman joins us for our last episode of the season talking about her ministry coming alongside college students in New Orleans, LA. She encourages us all on how important relationships are for them and how being a safe place to wrestle through doubts and fears is a key need in helping this next generation deepen in their faith journey and connect to the Church.

Meagan Stedman is a proud Memphis native and New Orleans resident. Her passions are discipling women, reaching college students, and helping cultivate in others a deep love for God and his word. She received her MDiv from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, where she is currently working on a PhD in Theology. She serves as the Associate Director of the New Orleans Metro Baptist Collegiate Ministry and is a lay leader in her local church in the New Orleans area.

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