6 Bad Reasons for Choosing a College

Episode #46
June 9, 2021

In this episode, Art answers several money questions from More Than Money listeners.

Here are the questions we answer:

Question 1: We are starting the college search process for my child. What tips do you have for us? I don’t want her going into debt for school.

Question 2: I’m single and just starting out on my financial journey. What suggestions do you have for someone like me?

Question 3: Why do you tell us to get our company match before paying off debt?

Question 4: I love how you talk about how God designed us for generosity and that is to be our financial priority. I don’t have much money to give. What should I do?

Additional Notes:

Bad Reasons for Choosing a College:

  1. It’s where my girlfriend/boyfriend is going.
  2. It’s where my parents went.
  3. It’s far away.
  4. It’s prestigious.
  5. It’s my favorite team.
  6. It’s where everyone else is going.

The Essential Emergency Binder

Episode Sponsor:

Most churches struggle to get people to give. SecureGive, has created a system that helps churches increase giving so their ministry is funded to reach their community. SecureGive helps churches increase giving in 3 ways: software that makes giving easy, a custom growth strategy, and ongoing stewardship resources. They stand out by offering a real ministry partnership, the most cost-effective solution with the lowest processing rates, and the most comprehensive giving platform available.
