10 Responses from Fired Pastors

Episode #551
July 5, 2019
Rainer on Leadership

Almost every pastor has had to deal with being fired—often for little to no reason. Today, we discuss a recent post on the topic and explain it further.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • Too many pastors are fired without being told why.
  • Often, pastors who are forced out for little to no reason look back on the situation and wish they had fought it a bit more.
  • Sometimes the way a pastor is treated can affect their spouse and kids and turn them away from the church.
  • The corporate world is often more gracious with severance than the church world.

The 10 responses that we discuss are:

  1. “I didn’t see it coming.”
  2. “No one gave me a reason for my firing.”
  3. “No one asked for my perspective.”
  4. “A power group pushed me out.”
  5. “A staff member (or members) pushed me out.”
  6. “My family is devastated.”
  7. “The severance was small.”
  8. “I can never return to pastoral ministry.”
  9. “I should have never followed a long-term pastor.”
  10. “Secular employers are kinder and show more grace.”

Resources mentioned in today’s podcast

Rainer on Leadership is a member of the LifeWay Leadership Podcast Network

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