10 Traits of Healthy, Tenured Pastors

Episode #080
November 14, 2014
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #080

Last week on the podcast we covered leaders of churches or Christian ministries who don’t act in the most Christ-like of ways. This week, we flip that and examine the traits of healthy, tenured pastors and leaders.

Some highlights from the episode:

  • Long-tenured pastors don’t necessarily mean a church will be healthy. But several short-term ones almost guarantee it’s not.
  • Praying daily for your congregation will not only give you a heart for your people but a spiritual and relational connection you would otherwise miss.
  • Don’t treat your church as an island in the sea of your community.
  • You don’t always have to get your way as a pastor.
  • Many pastors are short-term because they pick so many fights.
  • Healthy accountability is needed for healthy leadership.
  • Pastors need both organizational accountability and personal accountability.

The 10 traits we cover are:

  1. They pray daily for their church members and staff. 
  2. They view their family as their first line of ministry.
  3. They connect with and love people in their community.
  4. They choose their battles carefully and wisely. 
  5. They welcome structures that make them accountable. 
  6. They spend time developing staff. 
  7. They expect conflict and criticism.
  8. They connect with other pastors and ministries in the community. 
  9. They affirm both theology and practical ministry. 
  10. They ask long-term questions. 

Episode Sponsor

The Cross Church School of Ministry is a one-year residential ministry experience hosted by Cross Church and SBC President, Dr. Ronnie Floyd.  It uniquely designed to prepare leaders for life, ministry, and Gospel advancement globally. For more information about the Cross Church School of Ministry visit:  www.CrossChurchSchool.com.


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