Five Ways a Pastor Can Use Monday to Recover from Sunday

Episode #739
March 8, 2022
Rainer on Leadership

Many pastors get the Monday blues. Sundays can be emotionally draining and physically exhausting. Making Monday a day full of meetings is not wise for most pastors. Thom and Sam discuss five ways you can be strategic about making Monday a day of recovery. Even if Monday is not a day off, there are some ways you can steward the time to be a better pastor. 

1. Minimize major decisions on Monday and maximize prayer.

2. Do not schedule many meetings with people, if any at all.

3. Read, study, and get a head start on your sermon. Close your email and other messaging systems for several hours.

4. Work from home on Mondays.

5. Make Monday your long workout day.

Bonus: Make afternoon phone calls to under-contacted church members like widows, widowers, and low-maintenance members.


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