Millennial Pastors and Established Churches

Episode #088
January 9, 2015
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #088

Millennial pastors and prospective pastors are often hesitant to take pastorates at established churches. There are some legitimate concerns and good reasons for this hesitancy—which we cover in this episode. However, established churches can offer a great opportunity for ministry to many pastors. Millennials should not be so quick to write off working with or pastoring at established churches. And in this episode, we tell you why.

Some highlights from this today’s episode include:

  • Established churches are often perceived by Millennials to not be missionally focused.
  • It’s natural for any organization, especially churches, to turn toward an inward focus.
  • Denominational loyalty is fading, but denominational ties are still important.
  • Many established churches are not community-centric.
  • I’m thankful for the rising interest in church planting. But it shouldn’t be done to the neglect of pastoring established churches.
  • Simply put, we cannot abandon established churches.
  • Pastors, don’t go into a church, make a lot of changes, then leave. Stay to see the fruit of the changes.

Five Reasons Why Millennials Do Not Want to Be Pastors or Staff in Established Churches

  1. Millennials perceive established churches to have values that are entrenched in non-missional traditions. 
  2. They perceive that much time in established churches is wasted catering to members’ personal preferences. 
  3. Many established churches are denominationally loyal; but many Millennials see denominations as antiquated organizations. 
  4. Millennials don’t see established churches as community-centric. 
  5. Millennials see church planting as a far superior alternative. 

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This podcast was brought to you by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Doctor of Ministry program. If you want more out of your ministry, want to study with a world-class faculty and need to stay where you currently serve, the DMin at Southeastern is the answer for you. Visit SEBTS.EDU/DMIN for more information.


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