Leadership Lessons for Pastors

Episode #085
December 19, 2014
Rainer on Leadership Podcast Logo

Podcast Episode #085

In this final podcast episode of 2014, we cover a number of topics thanks to the listener questions that have been submitted over the past few months. Remember, if you have a question you’d like to have answered on a podcast, you can submit in the form at the bottom of the podcast page.

Some highlights from this week’s episode include:

  • When considering rebranding a church ask: “What is the gain?” and “What is the cost?”
  • Church membership is a voluntary activity, and you need to be careful overstepping that volunteer aspect.
  • The steps for church revitalization should be fully contextual.
  • When you have less-frequent business meetings, you tend to cover more substantive items during them.
  • The first thing dying churches must do is to face reality.

Episode Sponsor

This week’s podcast is brought to you by the Autopsy of a Deceased Church. Whether your church is vibrant or dying, Autopsy of a Deceased Church will walk you through the radical paths necessary to keep your church alive to the glory of God and advancement of Christ’s Kingdom!. Find out more at thomrainer.com/autopsy.


If you have a question you would like answered on the show, fill out the form on the podcast page here at ThomRainer.com.
