Should Christians Give to the Homeless Man on the Street Corner? Money and Ethics: An Interview with Dr. Art Rainer and Dr. Dave Jones

Episode #797
April 18, 2023
Rainer on Leadership

Thom and Sam welcome two special guests to the show: Dr. Art Rainer, host of the More Than Money podcast, and Dr. David W. Jones, Professor of Christian Ethics at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

1. Define ethics for our listeners.

2. Why should our church members be concerned with ethical challenges in finances?

3. Tell us about the program.

4. Who do you think the program will connect best with?

5. Okay, we have to ask…Should Christians give to the homeless man on the street corner?


  • Church Answers University – SPECIAL OFFER: 50% scholarships (a value of $748). If you are interested, contact [email protected]

Episode Sponsors:

Why is the world so unfair? Where is God in the midst of the brokenness? Is there anything we can do?

We know that in a fallen and broken world there will always be pain and poverty, sickness and sadness. Yet as followers of Christ, we are called to bring hope and healing to those who hurt. What, then, is our responsibility to alleviate human suffering this side of eternity? With so many needs everywhere we look, where do we start? One thing is certain: our faith does not allow us to turn away. Our response to the least of these, Jesus tells us, impacts not just those in need but also our own hearts and potentially even our salvation.

The Least of These brings together a collection of respected Christian thought leaders to provide a multifaceted look at the body of Christ’s relationship and responsibility—both individual and corporate—to the marginalized of our society. Contributors include Lisa Rodriguez-Watson, David Hionides, Ben Virgo, Dennis Edwards, Brandon Washington, Jonathan Brooks, Daniel Aaron Harris, Danielle Strickland, Aubrey Sampson, and Christiana Rice.

The Least of These is the third in a series of Kingdom Conversations, books that bring together trusted Christian voices to address some of the most urgent and perplexing challenges of our time in timeless and redemptive ways.

Church Answers University is a fast-growing school that offers ministry training and education at a fraction of the cost of typical degree programs. The school currently offers the certification in Christian Ministry and the certification in Women’s Discipleship.

For Rainer on Leadership podcast listeners, we have been given FIVE 50% scholarships (a value of $748). If you are interested, contact [email protected].