Simple Church with Eric Geiger

Episode #030
November 8, 2013
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #030

simple-churchEric Geiger joins me to tell the story behind Simple Church. While the genesis of the book came from academic research for Eric’s doctoral work, the findings were so significant that a book was needed for those in practical ministry. What resulted was a shift in the way churches in America and around the world operated and communicated. In this episode we cover the research found in the book, what made Simple Church so relevant to the church, how it still applies to churches today, and some of our favorite stories that came from writing the book.

Episode Sponsor

This week’s podcast is brought to you by B&H Publishers and the book Simple Church. Now in paperback, multi-awarded #1 national bestseller Simple Church guides Christians back to the simple gospel-sharing methods of Jesus. The updated trade paper edition includes a new chapter with further insights the authors have gained through hundreds of conversations with church leaders since this landmark book’s original release. For more information, visit


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