Toni Nieuwhof joins Thom and Sam to share what every church leader needs to know about the messiness of divorce.
Toni Nieuwhof is an attorney, pharmacist and church leader who, along with her husband, Carey Nieuwhof, founded Connexus Church north of Toronto Canada. Already a published author in the legal field, Toni’s first general release book on marriage will be published in 2021. Toni has spoken in front of leaders in Canada, the US and around the world about marriage and relational health. Her practice as a divorce attorney and her extensive experience in ministry have given her a unique vantage point and a passion for serving couples who want to leave their unhappiness behind, not their marriage.
Resources mentioned in today’s podcast:
- How Your Church Can Reach People In a Post-COVID World Ebook
- Before You Split: Find What You Really Want for the Future of Your Marriage by Toni Nieuwhof
- Free 30-day trial Church Answers Silver membership
Episode Sponsor:
The mission of Southeastern Seminary is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping Christians to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission. One way we like to do that is by giving away free resources. You can get a free copy of Thom Rainer’s E-Book, “How Your Church Can Reach People in the Post-Covid World” by visiting
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