Our generational series continues today as we discuss the struggles and opportunities churches face when reaching younger families.
Episode Highlights:
- To reach younger kids and grow a kids’ ministry, you first have to reach their parents. Third graders can’t drive.
- Outside of prayer, the first thing ew need to do in revitalization is stop blaming others and accept responsibility.
- If there are only a few young families in the church, don’t treat them as a separate class of people in the church.
- Churches must give up the idols of personal preference and comfort.
The eight keys for reaching younger generations we discuss are:
- Abandon the fleeting hope of the silver bullet pastor.
- Abandon the fleeting hope of the silver bullet children or student minister.
- Stop the blame game.
- Connect with the Millennial parents.
- Many Millennials have a missional mindset.
- Seek a short-term transplant from another church.
- Give up the idols of tradition and personal preference.
- Pray. Pray. Then pray again.
Resources mentioned in this episode include:
- No Silver Bullets
- Reaching Millennials
- Autopsy of a Deceased Church
- Autopsy Video Study Guide
- RevitalizeBundle.com
- ChurchAnswers.com
- Find more resources at the Revitalize & Replant page at ThomRainer.com
Submit Your Question:
Do you have a question about church revitalization or replanting for us to use on the podcast? Visit the podcast page to submit your question. If we use it on the show, you’ll get a copy of Autopsy of a Deceased Church and Reclaiming Glory.