Pray for Calvary Baptist Church in Dover, Delaware
Calvary Baptist Church was established in 1884. It is the oldest African American Baptist church in the city of Dover and the second oldest African American church in the state of Delaware. The church was established by a band of believers who met in private homes and a local store until securing the property where the church currently sits. In 136 years, the church has had only 7 pastors. The current pastor is Bishop W. James Thomas, II.
Calvary’s congregation has grown from two members to an active membership of 700 members who have a heart for outreach and intentional spiritual growth. The church has been at the forefront of both Christian and civic endeavors in Dover. There are weekly feeding programs, an annual exciting summer camp, a global social media ministry, a renowned award-winning music ministry, and vibrant children’s, youth, young adult, and senior’s ministries. The church’s school, Calvary Bible College and Seminary, is celebrating its 25th year as an accredited degree-granting institution.
Currently, Calvary’s membership exceeds the capacity of its current staff. The church is praying for additional volunteers to assist with the demands of pastoral care, outreach, and evangelism. The church is also praying for a resolution to the parking challenges at their current location. Pre-COVID, parking created a great deal of contention with a neighboring church and some residents. The church desires to be a good neighbor, and they are seeking solutions and a peaceful resolution until their new facility can be completed.
Please join us as we pray specifically for:
- Additional human resources to help with pastoral care, outreach, and evangelism.
- Solutions and a peaceful resolution to the parking challenges at the church’s current location.
- Good relationships and favor with a neighboring church and residents when parking is a challenge.
- The construction of Calvary’s new facility.
- Bishop W. James Thomas, II as he leads the church through the upcoming holiday season and into the new year.
- The community of Dover, Delaware