Pray for Christ Memorial Baptist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio
Christ Memorial Baptist Church was birthed 54 years ago in the community of Bond Hill in Cincinnati, Ohio. The church has been led by six shepherds during this time. Christ Memorial currently has between 25-75 “in-person” congregants. They host several outreach ministries and are trusting God to add to their congregation as He sees fit.
Bishop Christopher Lee has led Christ Memorial since 2015. He is a servant with a heart for the people of God and he is leading the congregation to love and serve their community. The church hosted a COVID vaccine clinic last weekend, and they serve meals to those in need every third Friday of the month. They are preparing for their upcoming Fireside men’s ministry and their summer ministry to youth.
Please pray that Christ Memorial will have a boldness to evangelize the young people in their community. Pray that God would send new members into their congregation so they can grow in the Lord.
Please join us as we pray specifically for:
- God to provide Christ Memorial with a van so they can begin a transportation ministry.
- God’s blessings and provision for the church as they love and minister to their community.
- The upcoming Fireside men’s event and the summer ministry to youth.
- God to provide a way for Bishop Christopher Lee to dedicate most of his time to ministry and not split his time as a bi-vocational pastor.
- The community of Bond Hill in Cincinnati, Ohio