Pray for First Baptist Church Alcoa in Alcoa, Tennessee
First Baptist Church Alcoa is located just south of Knoxville in eastern Tennessee. The church has recently experienced a season of transition. All three of the ministerial staff members, including lead pastor Ryan Roach, were hired in the last two years. The church also installed three new elders in January 2021.
Pastor Roach is leading FBC Alcoa to be gospel-centered in all they do and to have a ministry focus in their neighborhood. One way the church is living out this mission is through its annual community basketball camp. This is a free camp for children who have completed kindergarten through 5th grade. The church provides agility training, basketball skills, dinner, and a devotion each night during the camp. Please pray that God will use this ministry to reach kids and their families for Christ.
Please join us as we pray specifically for:
- The church’s upcoming community basketball camp on June 1-3.
- The church’s kids and youth summer camp ministries.
- God’s blessing on FBC Alcoa as they minister to their community and reach people for Christ.
- Pastor Ryan Roach as he leads First Baptist Church Alcoa.
- The community of Alcoa, Tennessee.