Pray for Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church in East Point, Georgia
Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church was established in East Point, Georgia, over 75 years ago. The church began when six faithful followers of Christ saw the need for a church in the community of Jefferson Park, just outside of Atlanta. Today, the church is an older congregation of 60 to 85 members.
The church has been without a pastor for almost three years. The current interim pastor, Newton Hendrix, has served the church for two of those years. Please pray for the search committee as they seek God’s direction for the church and for Pastor Hendrix as he leads during this time of transition.
Please join us as we pray specifically for:
- The congregation to focus on the gift of Jesus as they begin the advent season this week.
- God’s wisdom and guidance for the search committee.
- God to send the right leader to pastor the church in its next season of ministry.
- Interim pastor Newton Hendrix as he leads the church during this time of transition.
- The community East Point, Georgia.
Let us know if you prayed for Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church!
Prayed for 252 time(s)