Pray for Randall L. Williams Correctional Facility in Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Randall L. Williams Correctional Facility in Pine Bluff, Arkansas has approximately 600 inmates and staff. This unit is what could be called a transitional unit. The inmates that are housed at RLW usually have an eligible parole date from within a few months up to ten years.

Before COVID-19, the new chaplain, Dr. Rick Caracciolo, had led the unit to an increased number of inmates attending services, an increase in new volunteers, and additional programs that were scheduled to begin at the facility. Some church services were having an attendance of 120 inmates or more, close to capacity since services are held in the multipurpose room. The RLW unit does not have a chapel, so like a church start-up, they set up and tear down chairs, a pulpit, and a sound system for each service.

Because of physical movement restrictions and health concerns, RLW has not been able to resume services during the pandemic.  Recorded church services have been played barracks-wide on Sundays at 8:00 am Central. Chaplain Caracciolo is uncertain of what the “new normal” will be at RLW, and he asks for prayer for the following:

  1. New volunteers will commit when in-person services resume and the current volunteers will return and feel safe health-wise.
  2. RLW will be able to raise donations to purchase live streaming equipment and provide Christmas bags and other blessings for the inmates during the year.
  3. Seating for services will be ample after the new COVID-19 health guidelines are published.
  4. Inmate volunteers for the worship team. During the shutdown all of the members of the worship teams have been paroled. Auditions for new worship team members cannot resume until the current restrictions are lifted.

Let us know if you prayed for Randall L. Williams Correctional Facility!