Pray for Second Baptist Church in Wheaton, Illinois

Second Baptist Church of Wheaton, Illinois is a 113 year-old church with approximately 250 members. Led by Reverend Kevin Williams, the church’s mission is to build up the saved and win the lost in the name of Jesus Christ. The church accomplishes this by going new places, engaging new people, and making new sacrifices.

Despite the pandemic, Second Baptist is finding ways to serve their community. They are helping displaced workers, the homeless, and seniors during this difficult time. They also hosted a parking lot service at the beginning of August and a drive-thru back-to-school supply giveaway for students in their area.

Please join us as we pray specifically for:

  • Second Baptist Church of Wheaton as they serve their members through their online services and prayer meetings.
  • Reverend Kevin Williams as he leads and serves at Second Baptist. Specifically pray that he and his family stay healthy during the pandemic.
  • The displaced workers, homeless, seniors, and students the church is reaching through their community service efforts. Please pray that many will be won for Christ.
  • The community of Wheaton, Illinois.

Let us know if you prayed for Second Baptist Church!