Assessment Tool

Know Your Community Politics

An accurate picture of the political makeup of your community.


Good News Neighbors Toolkit

The Good News Neighbors resource begins with a basic idea: Use neighbor gift bags to create a culture of inviting people to church. This toolkit has everything you need to get started. Your church exists not only in the community but also for the community. This outreach program can be the way you train your church to be good news neighbors.

Know Your Community Politics

An accurate picture of the political makeup of your community.

Answer these questions:

What are the numbers of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents in my community?
How politically active are the people in my community?
What should I expect for voter turnout?
What is the connection between financial security and voting behavior?
Who in my community watches CNN? Fox News? MSNBC?
What are the beliefs about climate change in my community?

View Sample Report

Word Cloud showing election words

Now you can know the real story about what people around your church think politically. Don’t assume! Know for sure.


You can’t reach your community if you don’t know your community. This custom report will help you understand your community’s political leanings and beliefs.

Why do you need a community political report?

  • Know your mission field.
  • Build a bridge to different groups.
  • Stop making assumptions.
  • Get an understanding of how people vote.
  • Have knowledge of key political issues.
  • See shifts in community beliefs.
  • Gain insight into voting behavior.
  • Compare your church to the neighborhood.
  • Gauge potential tension.
  • Discern political leanings.


Get the ONLY report that tells you the political leanings of YOUR neighborhood.


What's included with your purchase?

  • Know Your Community Political Report
  • Community Politics 5-Part Video Resource

Demographics are who people are.

Common demographics include age, gender, and ethnicity. These attributes are often external features not related to what a person believes or how a person behaves.

* Tapestry segmentation classifies neighborhoods into sixty-seven unique segments based on both demographics and psychographics. Several easy-to-understand terms are used to describe communities.

Psychographics are what people prefer.

Common psychographics include motivations, beliefs, and priorities. These attributes are often internal features that are impossible to know without asking. This is data that cannot be derived from census data or market reports.

flow chart of how does it work know your community politics report

The ONLY political report for churches!

This report is for your church if…

You want insight into the politics of your community.
You want to understand your neighbors better.
You want to build a bridge to people around your church.
You want to identify potential hurdles to evangelism.
You want to know more about guests who visit your church.

Purchase the Know Your Community Politics report to get an accurate picture of the political makeup of your community.


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Money-Back Guarantee

We offer a 30-day, no-questions-asked refund policy. If, for any reason, you’re not satisfied with your purchase or the quality of the materials in the Know Your Community Politics report, you have 30 days to get a full refund.

  • “The Know Your Community report was eye-opening for our church… We are re-emphasizing children’s ministry with staff and budget to prepare to minister to many new young professionals that are starting families. We also discovered that those in our community are highly interested in health and fitness. We are now brainstorming youth and young adult outreach efforts based on these interests.”

    Ryan Flanders, Developmental Pastor
    Choice Baptist Church of Fredericksburg, VA
  • “The Know Your Community Report not only revealed that we were out of touch with our community it provided valuable insight for ministry opportunities. Over the past year the Know Your Community Report has been the primary resource for staff and church leadership as we pray, discuss, and plan our local outreach efforts.”

    Jeremy Atwood, Senior Pastor
    Immanuel Baptist Church of Glasgow, KY

What's in the Know Your Community Political Report?

  • This report focuses specifically on the political beliefs of the community around your church.
  • Boundaries of the community are determined by drive time. A common drive time is 15 minutes.
  • We partner with ESRI to create the reports. ESRI’s software and databases are the most powerful mapping and spatial data technology available. The data is continuously updated and always current.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where do you get the political information?

    We partner with ESRI, the world’s premier provider of geographic information system (GIS) software, mapping, and location intelligence. Our team customizes each report for individual churches to help them better understand their communities.

  • Is this actually a custom report for my church?

    Yes! Your church’s address is unique, and so is your local community. Our system goes well beyond census and public data. We do not have any pre-made reports. Everything about your report is based on your church’s immediate area.

  • How long does it take to get my report?

    After your purchase, we will automatically send you a link to submit your church information. It will take 3-5 business days for us to create your custom report and return it to you.

  • Why is the report based on “drive time?”

    In most cases, we use drive time to determine the boundaries of the community. Common drive times are ten minutes (for more dense communities) and twenty minutes (for less dense communities).

  • Why is the report not based on radius?

    A radius definition often draws in features that distort data. A large lake or a major highway can alter the results when included in a radius. Drive time works around these distortions for a clearer picture of the true community.

  • Why doesn't the report use zip codes for reporting?

    Other reports use zip codes to determine the community, but most people do not quickly recall where one zip code ends and another begins. In select cases, we will use either a radius or zip codes to determine the boundaries of the community. Some locations require a different approach than drive time.

More Questions?

Contact us at 615-669-8201 or email [email protected] for assistance.