7 Possible Bible Reading Plans for 2022


It’s time to be planning our Bible reading for 2022. I think it’s best if we read through the Bible each year, but I understand that’s not always easy. I fear too many church leaders, however, are not consistent in our reading—so perhaps one of these ideas will help you in the next year:


1. Read the entire Bible in 2022, from Genesis to Revelation. This method is likely the most difficult one to complete, but you can do it by reading a little less than four chapters per day. It’s good to read the Scripture from beginning to end.

2. Plan to read the entire Bible in 2022-23. This plan slows the process down (a little less than two chapters per day), but it still helps you finish the entire Bible in two years. All of us ought to read all the Word at least every two years.


1. Do a book-by-book study of several books of the Bible during the year. One of my former students, for example, reads one book multiple times each month (depending on the length of the book). He devours 12 books of the Bible each year, and his plan is to complete the entire Bible in 5.5 years.

2. Do biographical studies of biblical characters. Spend some time studying the lives of people like Abraham, Joseph, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Saul, David, Esther, Ruth, Peter, Paul, etc. The inspired Word of God helps us to know the victories and defeats, strengths and weaknesses of its characters.

3. Study famous chapters of the Bible. Folks differ on what constitutes a “famous” chapter, but a Google search will give you some direction. In fact, do a quick quiz now to see how many of these chapters you recognize: Genesis 1-3, Genesis 12, Exodus 12, Exodus 20, Joshua 4, Joshua 24, Psalm 23, Psalm 51, Proverbs 31, Isaiah 53, Matthew 5-7, Luke 2, John 17, Acts 2, Acts 9, I Corinthians 13, Ephesians 6, Hebrews 11, Revelation 2-3, Revelation 21.

4. Read the New Testament, and review every Old Testament passage it references as you read. Don’t just skim over the Old Testament reference; instead, read the text in its original context—and you’ll learn about the Old Testament, too. A good study Bible will help you with this task.

5. Do a geographical study as you read. That is, actually use the maps in the back of your Bible (or, use maps found on the Internet). Sometimes, just seeing the direction, distance, etc., between events in the Bible can help you picture them and remember them.

 My plan over the next year is to read through a Chronological Bible. If you’re interested in my general Bible reading plan, you can find it here.

Posted on November 23, 2021

Dr. Chuck Lawless is a leading expert in spiritual consultation, discipleship and mentoring. As a former pastor, he understands the challenges ministry presents and works with Church Answers to provide advice and counsel for church leaders.
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  • I need all genesies to revealation seven methods,but to realize the fact your effort too useful for the generation in in era.

  • How about a modification of #1 and #2? Read it in chronological order instead of the order found in the text?