Five Lessons We Have Learned from the Revitalizer Profile


We were optimistic that the Revitalizer Profile would be received well.

Our expectations were far too low!

The Revitalizer Profile is an instrument that guides leaders of church revitalization to understand how God has wired and gifted them to make a difference in His churches. The person taking the Profile needs ten to fifteen minutes to complete it. Once they have taken it, the results are both immediate and private.

The Profile results guide revitalization leaders, pastors, and others to understand their leadership personality. There are twelve possible personality profiles. In addition to the leadership profile, leaders see both their dominant and recessive leadership characteristics, designated by four letters, somewhat like the Myers-Briggs.

We released the Revitalizer Profile in three phases. The first phase was our beta testing. The participants helped us in many ways to refine the tool. The second phase was our early release. We wanted to get the tool out to many more in the event there were other tweaks that needed to be made. And recently we went into launch phase. This phase is the point where we are really seeing the enthusiasm for the instrument.

So, what are some lessons we are learning from the Revitalizer Profile? Here are five; I am sure we will learn many more.

  1. God has equipped many leaders for revitalization. The incredible response is a reminder that God is able, that He is supplying leaders for the massive need of church revitalization. About 300,000 congregations need revitalization. God is equipping an army to lead that charge.
  2. There is no-one-size-fits-all in church revitalization. We are hearing from all types of leaders with all types of leadership profiles. God is using so many of them to lead the great task. I love the variety of ethnic and racial groups, ages, and leadership strengths.
  3. You are never too old to be a church revitalization leader. As I have conversed with many of those who took the Revitalizer Profile, I have been struck by the number of people who are part of the Boomer generation. God is not done with us old folks yet!
  4. Churches need hope; church leaders do too. One of the key features of the Revitalizer Profile is its unique ability to help leaders lead from their strengths. Too many church leaders have been told they can’t. The Profile is a reminder, in God’s strength, they can.
  5. Revitalization leaders are grateful to know their challenges as well. The Revitalizer Profile also points out specific challenges for each of the twelve revitalizer profiles. Leaders are grateful to know those challenges in the context of understanding their strengths as well.

I am thankful to the North American Mission Board for being our partner in the development of the Revitalizer Profile. And if the initial results are any indicator, God will be using the instrument for years to come.

Here is your link to the Revitalizer Profile. If you choose to take it, we would love to hear your thoughts and comments.

Posted on August 14, 2019

With nearly 40 years of ministry experience, Thom Rainer has spent a lifetime committed to the growth and health of local churches across North America.
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  • DeWayne Wyatt says on

    I completed the Revitalizer Profile today and I believe this is an excellent tool that every pastor should use to identify strengths and learn where other skills could be strengthened. The church consultant can be an encourager for the pastor.

  • DeWayne Wyatt says on

    These types of inventories are helpful, such as spiritual gifts inventories. They give valuable information to enable the takers to be efficient in their ministries. This is also true with the Revitalizer Profile. I especially like the findings of number 3: “You are never too old to be a church revitalization leader.” I would think that a person with a lifetime of varied experiences in corporate America and church ministries (vocational and volunteer) would be an invaluable asset. I am looking forward to taking the Revitalizer Profile soon.

  • I like the research basis for the profile–and also that behind the DISC personality inventory available via organizations such as Triaxia Partners, for the “how to work together for God’s glory now that you know you are different personality types” information that they provide. If the five functions of the New Testament church really are worship, ministry, evangelism, fellowship, and discipleship as some have said–and if those functions are equally-important to a congregation’s organizational health and biblical growth–then those functions are done more effectively/efficiently as these things are known/used. Go for it 🙂

  • Rick Francis says on


    This is a great tool. I’m pleased to see it doesn’t promote the idea that only one personality type will do well for revitalization. Everyone involved in revitalization possesses gifts that can be adaptive to the congregation. This analysis includes areas of challenge that may accompany certainly personality types which can be addressed once we become aware of our strengths and weaknesses. Thanks for sharing this great resource!