Getting Your Church Leaders and Members Really Reading the Bible: An Interview with Ann White

Episode #821
October 3, 2023
Rainer on Leadership

Sam welcomes Ann White, an internationally known author, speaker, Christian TV Host, passionate Bible teacher, Founder and CEO of Courage For Life. Her passion is to equip and encourage people from all walks of life to embrace their God-given courage for life. They discuss the need to have resources available to help people grow both spiritually and emotionally.

    • We know the number of people reading the Bible is on the decline. Why do you think that is? What are some roadblocks for people who want to study the Bible?
    • If we can’t get people to read their Bibles how can we get them to study them? How can we get people in our churches excited to study the Bible?
    • How does Bible study help us to have courage?
    • How can we as church leaders use a Bible like, Courage For Life Study Bible, to help our Church communities? Why a men’s and women’s edition?
    • Why do you think it’s important for church communities to not only be in personal study, but in God’s Word together?
    • What do you feel is missing for most people in their Bible study?


Episode Sponsors:

NLT Courage For Life Study Bible for Men, Filament-Enabled Edition

Men face frequent challenges to show courage—to take a stand, to step into danger, and to do the right thing.

The biggest challenge men face, though, is seeing our weaknesses and recognizing God’s truth over the lies our culture is telling us.

The Courage For Life Study Bible for Men is a strong and rigorous study Bible—featuring a Bible study on every page—for men seeking to demonstrate godly courage and to discover the God who transcends all limitations and transforms anyone who follows him.

This Bible will help men break old patterns and experience transformation as they study and understand God’s Word and invite God’s work in their lives.

This Bible is unlike any other on the market. Features of this men’s Bible include:

  • A Bible study on every page
  • Reflection questions
  • Encouraging profiles of courageous men
  • A topical index
  • Access to a suite of resources including a linked audio Bible through the Filament Bible app
  • A unique discipleship path through the Bible, based on the seven COURAGE steps from the Courage For Life ministry
  • The clear and accurate, easy-to-read New Living Translation

This is the perfect Bible for any man who is serious about growth and transformation in Christ and great for anyone looking for an innovative New Living Translation Bible for men.

Eligible high schoolers can earn college credit online, the first class is free (not including books and course materials), and they get a significant discount ($166 per credit vs. $613 per credit) for every subsequent class. They can choose from more than 30 available courses. Here are just a few additional details not included on the flier:

    • This program is open to third-culture kids, homeschool students, private and public school students, etc.
    • Students can start during any eight-week session – summer, fall, spring, each semester has two sessions as indicated on the flier
    • The first-class free offer is limited. I do not yet know for how long, but we should market it as temporary for now.
    • Many students have successfully completed courses during their normal school year. Classes are asynchronous, so they can access course materials at their convenience.
    • Sometimes universities have similar programs and they make classes specific for high school students – HS students sitting with other HS students. In our program, participants sit in on real college courses, with actual college student peers. They get the real deal through our experience.