How to Minister to Church Members We Can’t Visit

December 1, 2020
Rainer on Leadership

Thom and Sam Rainer discuss practical ways to effectively minister to church members we can’t visit during this difficult time of quarantine and social distancing. 

  • Call them.
  • Make certain the church sends a digital prayer list every week.
  • Organize small groups to call them and write them.
  • Stay in touch with their family members.
  • Seek to start a new caring ministry.

Resources mentioned in today’s podcast:


Episode Sponsor:


The mission of Southeastern Seminary is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping Christians to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission. One way we like to do that is by giving away free resources. You can get a free copy of Thom Rainer’s E-Book, “How Your Church Can Reach People in the Post-Covid World” by visiting



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