Pivot: An Interview with Scot McKnight and Laura Barringer

Episode #819
September 19, 2023
Rainer on Leadership

Sam welcomes father-daughter duo and theologians Scot McKnight and Laura Barringer. In their book Pivot,Scot and Laura help churches to implement practices, establish priorities, and cultivate gospel-centered qualities that form goodness cultures. Scot is professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary. Laura is a teacher and coauthored “A Church Called Tov” with Scot.

    • What prompted you to write Pivot? Why do you feel this book is necessary in today’s culture?
    • What encouragement would you give to someone starting the hard work of pivoting their Christian community? What encouragement would you give the person who has spent years trying to transform their culture, but sees no end in sight?
    • How does church culture impact a church?
    • How can we find tov people to emulate? And why is emulation important?
    • What are some healthy steps “transformation agents” should take to start creating new behaviors?
    • How can we discern if an environment is actually toxic?


Episode Sponsors:

The One Year Pray for the Family Bible NLT

Pray for families around the world as you read through the Bible in one year in as little as 15 minutes a day.

With The One Year Pray for the Family Bible, you will read through the whole Bible in one year as you implement daily prayers for families around the world, including your own. This Bible provides the structure to help you read and act on God’s life-changing Word in only about 15 minutes a day. It includes 365 daily prayer prompts to help you pray for your family and for the institution of the family itself—in an intentional and manageable way. Enjoy insights from leading voices who advocate on behalf of the family, including Dr. Tony Evans, Greg and Erin Smalley, Robin Jones Gunn, Dr. Danny Huerta, and more. The One Year Pray for the Family Bible will help you apply the principles of God’s unchanging Word to an effective prayer life in support of the family.

Features of this Bible include:

    • 365 daily prayer prompts
    • An insightful forward from Focus on the Family resident Jim Daly laying out God’s vision for flourishing families
    • Full-color pages
    • The clear and accurate, easy-to-understand New Living Translation (NLT)

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    • This program is open to third-culture kids, homeschool students, private and public school students, etc.
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    • The first-class free offer is limited. I do not yet know for how long, but we should market it as temporary for now.
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